
Monday, June 6, 2011

Oats Dosa

This dosa can really be called Oats Dosa because of the proportion of oats that goes into making it. The source for this recipe is "show me the curry". I have enjoyed watching lot of their recipes. They have very professional quality videos in spite of being homemade. This recipe makes amazing dosas and for all you oat lovers out there, this will be a new way to have your oats, if you are used to Indian cooking. Basically like any dosa this recipe calls for advance planning but when you have the batter ready it makes for a quick breakfast, lunch or dinner. Serve it with your choice of vegetable, sambhar or chutney. You can have a balanced meal in between a rushed day, if you can store the batter in refrigerator or freeze it. I got 2 meals for my family with the batter.

Friday dinner: Oats dosa with kanda bhaji (onion stir-fried in yogurt) & apple chutney

Sunday afternoon lunch: Oats dosa with potato masala stuffing and tomato chutney
  • 3 cups oats (old fashioned or instant)
  • 2-1/2 cups water
  • 1 cup rice with 1 tsp fenugreek seeds
  • 1 cup urad dal
  • salt to taste
  • Water as per need
  • Wash rice and urad dal lightly.
  • Soak them with 1 tsp fenugreek seeds in sufficient water so that they can double easily soaking water. Let rice and dal soak for about 6 hours.
  • Just one hour before you are ready to grind dal and rice, soak oats in 2-1/2 cups of water.
  • Drain water from rice and dal, and grind them to fine paste. Add water as needed to facilitate grinding. 
  • Now grind the oats into fine paste with the water it was soaked in.
  • Mix the two paste together and adjust consistency, it should be like dosa batter, should be able to spread on griddle.
  • Put this batter in a deep pot with cover and let it ferment for 8-10 hours in a warm place like lightly preheated oven or just leave it in oven with light on. 
  • Because of the presence of oats the batter will not double in size but will be bubbly and you can see that it has fermented. But still allow some room in the pot in which you will be fermenting your batter.
  • Add salt as per taste to the fermented batter.
  • Heat a flat griddle and pour a ladle full of batter and spread it with the ladle in circular motion making a thin crepe.
  • Let it get crispy and brown below and when the edges start coming off griddle on their own, you can flip it and cook on the other side.
  • Serve hot with chutney, sambhar or potato masala or all :)
* For a quicker version I have used 1 cup rice flour and 1 cup urad flour as a substitute for the grains. Jut add water as needed and grind it with oats. Then keep it for fermentation  and enjoy dosas.


  1. Looks wonderful and a healthy dosa. Nice blog

  2. Thanks for going through my blog Shanthi.

  3. Very healthy recipe... Truly delicious.. thanks for the wonderful recipe :)
    Indian Cuisine
